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Things To Do

Guided Tours Bring your friends, your family or your kids and enjoy guided tours all year long. Booking in advance is needed. Your guide will tell you everything about Paul Gauguin’s and Charles Laval’s stay in Martinique. Admissions 2019 Adult : 10€ / 12,50$ Child and Discount : 7€ / 8,75$ Discount beneficiaries : groups of 10 visitors and more, students under 25, jobseekers with a certificate Guided Tours can be provided in : French, English, Spanish and Creole Groups and Schools Groups of ten and more and schools can visit Paul Gauguin Interpretation Center with a prior booking. Admissions 2019 Groups (10 visitors and more) : 5€/6,25$ or Guided Tour : 7€/8,75$ Pupils : 4€/5$, Guided Tour, Free entry : 1 accompanist for 12 pupils


Drawing and painting lessons Once a week, between October and June, drawing and painting lessons are provided for beginners or advanced. Sessions in small group are provided by a qualified art teacher. Info : Every Wednesday (except school holidays)from 2pm to 4pm Admission 2019 – 2020 : 105€/1,5$ ??? per trimester. Art workshops during school holidays During school holidays, Paul Gauguin Interpretation Center can provide creative art workshops for adults and children. Workshops can be about drawing and painting, bakoua (local palm tree leaf) braiding, photography, sculpture, sticking, painting on tiban (local small bench) or on calabash, local jewelry making… You can find the program in the Events section. Activities on demand During a group visit, a special occasion or a company event, Paul Gauguin Interpretation Center can provide personalized art workshop. Feel free to contact us for your visit booking.